Saturday, 15 February 2014

Time For Homework

Coming into week 4 it is probably time to send home some homework.  I have really mixed feelings about homework.  It is compulsory for me to give it out so I make sure it is well thought out but the stress it causes some families can be horrific.

There are some studies which state homework is of little value to primary school students but it does refer to the drill type nature of homework.  If homework is collaborative and compliments the learning in the classroom then it can be beneficial.  I think crucially….

Where parents are over-controlling or interfering in their student's homework activities, then that's been shown pretty clearly to not be beneficial," he said.
"But where parents support their children's autonomy and essentially try to provide guidance and assistance rather than being interfering and controlling, that's beneficial for students."

I think this is really good advice to parents. I try and set homework that is open ended, relevant and fun.  I have attached a copy here

Hopefully all families will find this homework suitable for their child. 

3/4G were learning how to round numbers to the nearest 10, writing numbers in words and expanded form and using the greater than and less than symbol.  A quick test on Friday showed very pleasing results.  Some students are ready to do the above with 4 and 5 digit numbers.  

After students did such a great job drawing insects in their book, I gave them an A4 piece of paper and challenged them to replicate!  and they did not disappoint :-) I'm going to put them in for the school newsletter but thought I'd put them here first.  They are awesome.

Well done 3/4G :-)

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the time and effort that you have put into this blogspot. It is a great interface for parents to see what their children are learning about at school. I've really enjoyed seeing inside the classroom through photos and pictures. I ask my son everyone afternoon what he's done at school and he answers "nothing"! This is a great platform for engaging him in conservation, thank you.
