The piggy bag princess
A story by Ned and Dylan
Once upon a time, in a golden castle, there lived a king and a princess. One day a mutant dragon came and turned the king’s flock of sheep into pigs .The king got mad and went to slay the mutant dragon. He was easy to follow because he left a trail of pork.
Soon the king came to the dragon’s lair. He knocked on the door but there was no one there. He opened the door and he went inside to kill the dragon. The dragon was mad and turned him into a pig.
The mutant dragon went back to the castle to attack the princess. He shot a fireball at her but she deflected it back at the dragon and the dragon was killed.
The princess got an antidote for her father and she turned him back into the king. She also turned the sheep back to normal.
They lived happily ever after but……the dragon had laid eggs that were silently hatching in his lair.
The Evil Mud Pig
A story by Heidi and Tess
Once upon a time there was a mother called Elizabeth who had two sons named Jorge and William. One night they were having a dance in their fancy ballroom. All of a sudden a huge, big, fat, evil pig came smashing into their castle
and captured the two sons.
Elizabeth cried and cried. She was so sad she had to go and find where the evil pig was keeping her sons hostage. The pig was quite easy to follow because he left big huge pig droppings. The trail lead her by two straight lines made out of pig shaped stones. On the way through there was a dead end. At the dead end there was a pig shaped mud pile. The mud pig was kneeling down.
Elizabeth searched all over the kneeling pig. After minutes of searching for the entrance she finally found the secret passageway to where the pig was keeping her sons hostage.
The passageway went through the pig’s snout. Elizabeth climbed up the hoofs and crawled into the slimy, muddy snout.
Elizabeth found her two sons in a pigpen eating beef and pork. Elizabeth said “YOU TRAITORS! “I thought you loved me. I iron your suits, make you breakfast, I clean up after you and I make your king sized beds. You can stay here if you want but I’m not coming back!”
The boys loved the pork and beef so much that they decided to stay and never returned home again. Mum was sad she didn’t have her boys but glad that she didn’t have to do so much work!
Evil Pigasaurus
A story by Melody, Jessie and Lucas
Once upon a time three pigs, mamma, dada and baby prince piggy lived in a castle shaped as a pig head. One horrible day a pigasouras came and destroyed the castle and took baby prince piggy.
Mamma and dada got out their pig plane to look for baby prince piggy. When they got to the pigousouras’s castle they looked down into it and saw boiled pigs for the pigousouras’s dinner. They saw baby piggy, that precious thing.
DARN darn darn !!!
They broke in and dared the pigousouras to eat a thousand sheep in ten seconds. That’s what the pigousouras did.
“Amazing!” said dada pig. The pigousouras got up and ate one hundred sheep in twenty seconds.
“Wonderful!” said mamma pig. The pigousouras got up once again and ate fifty sheep in fifty seconds.
“Superb! Jinx,“ they said together. The pigousouras didn’t hear a thing. They stepped over the pigousouras and rescued all the pigs.
The pigousouras was dead and every piggy lived a happy pig life.
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