Saturday 1 March 2014

A little visitor

Not long after I uploaded the last post I thought I saw a rat coming into the classroom.  We had eaten inside, then invited primary in for a movie if they didn't want to stay outside, so there were lots of crumbs on the floor.  Thankfully it was not a rat (although it scared me half to death!!) but this lovely little bird. The trouble was, he didn't want to leave!!

I opened all the windows and tried to shooo him out but he either kept flying in circles or banging into the fixed windows.  I went find the cleaner to let her know that I was going to leave the windows open in the hope that he would find his own way out eventually.  He left a little 'present' on my chair :-( while I was gone but still hadn't found his way out by the time I left!  

Hopefully there will be no little surprises on Monday!  And thankfully it was NOT a rat!!!

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